Monday, October 12, 2009

Promises and Threats

In an article posted Oct 1 on a reader, "Hadley", said this about the resignation of Sandy Coyman, Planning Director for Worcester County: "Developers & Realtors, draw up those contracts; contractors, man your backhoes; carpenters, fire up those air nailers and skill saws: Happy Days are here again, Kelly is "liaising” with tech stuff and keeping track of ID badges, and ding-dong, Sandy’s gone. Kathy P and other Coastal Bay Untrustworthies-- cry me a river."

On Oct. 8, Mr. Coyman was quoted in a Worcester County Times article, referring to the 2006 Worcester County Comprehensive Plan, "A comprehensive plan should really be a compact between elected officials, county government and the citizens to let them know where we are all trying to go and how to get there, its something to be taken very seriously."

Both of these quotes explain what has happened in Worcester County.

If you attend Commissioner Meetings in this county you would know that County Counsel Sonny Bloxom and County Commissioner President Louise Gulyas didn't respect the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. They both said publicly that "a plan is just that, a plan, and plans are made to be changed." Gulyas supported the dissolution of the County Planning Department.

On their lead, Commissioners Purnell, Church and Cowger joined the effort to break this compact between the county and its citizens in favor of assisting a few businessmen who wish to further jeopardize the future of Worcester County for their own monetary gain.

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